About Us

Omm Office® Founder Karen Mitchell, MA is The Mindfulness Jedi.



♬ original sound - flobby hobby bambini


Omm Office® is a resource for wellness, holistic tools, and positive wellbeing through insight meditation and mindfulness. She understands and is trained in usage of insight, inquiry, root causes, compassion, and lovingkindness to build and create transformation in individuals, organizations, teams, as well as families. Her mindfulness meditation practice is in the vipassana and metta style which embraces compassion for self and others, inquiry, nonjudgment, as well as mindful self-care.


#guidedmindfulnessmeditation #joyisourbirthright

♬ original sound - Mindfulness Jedi


Karen understands the science behind mindfulness. She is academically trained in biology as well as holds a master degree in Science Writing from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. She believes in using mindfulness meditation work to cultivate spaces within ourselves as well within the world that are empathetic, nonjudgmental, as well as compassionate toward self as well as others.

Karen has 14+ years of meditation training which includes certification in various types of mindfulness. Karen has 20+ years of corporate experience working with Fortune 500, large and small international multimedia and news companies. 

Omm Office has provided meditation classes and resources to over 1800 clients and individuals. Karen has delivered meditations and mindfulness resources to communities based in the US, Canada, and UK. Karen has recently worked with workplaces in the US and abroad.

Karen routinely delivers guided meditations on InsightTimer Live, through zoom-centered practice spaces, and she has collaborated with the Center for Mindful Living, a practice space run by the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) to deliver meditation program Art and Meditate.

Art and Meditate

Schedule a free call to chat with Omm Office and to meet Omm Office Founder Karen Mitchell. It's a chance to get to know us and Karen as well as to learn more details about our products and offerings.



Omm with Us!  

[email protected] or [email protected]

Disclaimer: The information in this site or on our social media is intended for information and entertainment purposes only, and does not claim to be or constitute therapeutic advice or mental health treatment. 

©2000 - 2025 Karen Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.